"Hollywood Goliath" is coming... Korean movies are about to be released
With the price of diesel soaring. a lost diesel car
A survey on sexual violence in military organizations is conducted every year...New crime of non-com
"You can use nuclear weapons in the event of a threat to the nation's existence"...International com
Vietnam Prepares to Expand COVID-19 Vaccine to Age 3 years old
Russia claims to occupy our land for the first time in 19 years
BTS, The shortest, the first time again...레코드 Record Association's 'Diamond' Certification
Stone Bridge Ventures, new lows recorded during the day. 6,470→6,130(▼340)
"Staycation and exhibition in one place"...Plaza Hotel Launches 'Check-in Art Package
MS, 'Metabus Victory'...Take the initiative on the platform by playing games