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Tesla, who ran well despite the chip shortage, this year's "I don't know."

Tesla's performance exceeded market expectations in the fourth quarter of last year. Despite global supply chain disruptions, Tesla seems to be continuing to grow steadily. However, there are concerns that supply chain problems such as lack of chips for vehicles could continue this year, which could lead to a decrease in factory operation capability.

According to CNBC on the 26th (local time), Tesla recorded $17.7 billion (21.213.4 trillion won) in sales in the fourth quarter of last year, up 65% from the same period last year. Net profit was $2.3 billion, up 760 percent from the previous year. The gross profit ratio was 27.4%, which also increased from 26.6% in the previous quarter.

The rise in sales was driven by electric car sales. Electric vehicle sales amounted to $15.9 billion (19 trillion won), accounting for 90 percent of total sales. Tesla sold 936,000 vehicles last year. This is an 87% increase compared to the previous year.

Experts say Tesla's sales this year are about 1.5 million units, more than 50 percent higher than this. Tesla explained, "The global supply chain disruption will continue in 2022." Tesla CEO Elon Musk also lamented in November last year, saying, "The worst nightmare is a supply chain bottleneck," adding, "The bigger nightmare is that this is not over."ㅇ

Date: 2022-01-15

Reporter: 신정훈


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