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Russian warship enters East Sea after Chinese ship circulates around Japan to demonstrate force

A Russian naval ship, which staged an armed demonstration while traveling around Japan with a Chinese naval ship, passed the East Sea through the eastern capital of the Korean Strait (Japanese name Tsushima Strait) between South Korea and Japan.

According to Kyodo News on the 25th (local time), five Russian naval vessels entered the East Sea from East China Sea through the Tsushima Strait.

These Russian ships, along with five Chinese naval vessels, have conducted a maritime alliance-2021 exercise in waters near Pyotr Daeje Bay near Vladivostok, Russia's Far East, for three days since the 14th.

After completing the joint drill, the two ships advanced to the Pacific Ocean via the Tsugaru Strait between Hokkaido and Honshu, Japan, on the 18th, and marched south along the right side of the Japanese archipelago to stage an armed protest.

Five Russian warships, which traveled to East China Sea with Chinese warships through the Osmi Strait in Japan, left East China Sea, south of the Danjo Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, at around 11 a.m. on the 23rd and headed for the East Sea.

The Ministry of National Defense said it also confirmed the takeoff and landing of the ship's helicopter from the frigate among five Russian ships in waters about 60 kilometers northeast of Tsushima at 10 a.m. on the 24th.

Date: 2021-10-08

Reporter: 서화목


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