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'KTO wins tourism award for ‘Rhythm’ videos '

KTO wins tourism award for ‘Rhythm’ videos The Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) said Wednesday that the organization won an award for its promotional(홍보의) video series "Feel the Rhythm of Korea" at the Tourism Innovation Awards 2020, held during the recent Tourism Innovation Summit in Seville, Spain. The awards are given to(-에 수여 되다) institutions and tourism companies around the world that apply innovative business models or technologies in the tourism sector. It is divided into five categories: customers' experience, artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis, digital campaigns, sustainable tourism projects(지속가능한 프로젝 트), and new business models. The KTO's promotional video won the award for best digital campaign. "Feel the Rhythm of Korea," a series of two-minute clips, introduced major cities here that are frequented by(~에 의해 많이 찾아지는) overseas tourists. Three videos, each about Seoul, Busan and Jeonju were released on the KTO's YouTube channel "Imagine Your Korea" on July 30, and thanks to their popularity, videos about Andong, Gangneung and Mokpo were added. They have garnered(얻었 다) more than 300 million views. The videos are popular at home and abroad for their unique style, fusing traditional Korean music by alternative pop band Leenalchi and performances by contemporary dance group Ambiguous Dance Company. In addition to the uniqueness, 'Feel the Rhythm of Korea' was also(~와 더불어 ~도) highly recognized for making people feel closer to Korean culture in the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic era when travel is restricted," a KTO official said. "We expect it will lead to rising demand for visits to Korea in the post-coronavirus era.



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