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'I worked with a dead LH executive, suspected of speculation'

An executive who served as head of the Jeonbuk Regional Headquarters of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) was found dead on the 12th.

According to the Gyeonggi Nambu Police Agency, a 56-year-old member of the LH headquarters found himself lying on the flower bed at an apartment complex in Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do at around 9:40 a.m. and reported him to the police.

A was taken to a nearby hospital but died. The police believe that A made an extreme choice in the apartment where he lives based on closed-circuit (CC) TV data. An autopsy will be conducted to determine the exact cause of death. A suicide note, which appears to have been left by A, was found at A's house. This computerized document will be responsible as a regional director for "2018-2019 (LH). "I am sorry to the people." It is said that the specific name of LH employee under investigation did not appear.

A, who joined LH in 1989, served as head of Jeonbuk Regional Headquarters from 2018 to 2019. Three of the 13 people under police investigation overlap with the time they worked at the Jeonbuk regional headquarters. The other three worked at the Gyeonggi regional headquarters during the same period (2015 and 2017). After becoming a professional committee member, A was reported to have been in charge of compensation for large soil.

According to the data secured by Rep. Kim Eun-hye's office, three out of 13 LH employees under investigation by the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency worked at Jeonbuk Regional Headquarters during the same period as A. B, who jointly purchased 992 square meters of land in Noonsa-dong, Gwangmyeong-si in February 2018, C, who jointly purchased 3996 square meters of farmland in Guarim-dong, Siheung-si in June 2019, and D, who purchased 4298 square meters of forest in Noonsa-dong, Gwangmyeong-si in December 2019. A worked as the head of the residential welfare business at the Gyeonggi Regional Headquarters in 2015 and as the head of the general affairs client office in 2017. Mr. E, who is called a "teacher" and purchased 10 lots in and out of Gwangmyeong and Siheung districts, worked in the same department both times.

The government's joint investigation headquarters said it is investigating more than 100 people, focusing on investigation teams dedicated to provincial and provincial police offices across the country. In addition to the third new city, the police plan to expand the investigation into development projects involving LH.


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