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[서화목] a man who was releasing more than 100 eels into a lake

Police arrested a man who was releasing more than 100 eels into a lake at a park in New York, the U.S.

According to the New York Daily News on the 29th (local time), the man was arrested by police after receiving a report from a citizen who was jogging nearby while "banging" an eel on a lake in Prospect Park in New York. A citizen who was jogging witnessed a man dragging two bags full of wriggling creatures near the lake, and talked to the man, "Isn't it eel? You shouldn't untie it in the lake." But the man said, "I'm saving my life." In the process, an eel spilled on the walkway because a bag was torn, and people passing by screamed because they thought it was a snake.

The man picked up the spilled eel and started throwing it into the lake. According to another witness, the man also said the eel was "purchased from the store to save it." Eventually, witnesses called the police.

A group of eel has been found in the park's lake in the past, so police suspect this is not the first time the man has been "released." In addition, a pile of animal guts and chicken heads were dumped at Prospect Park in 2010, the same location as where men released eels.

It is illegal to release animals without permission in the park. The park said it would consult with government authorities to monitor the impact of eel on the lake ecosystem.



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종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

​편집인: Billie Jeong

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