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South Korean tattooist Doy counts Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt and members of K-Pop band EXO among his celebrity clients, but his delicate, detailed designs could land him in prison. Now he is leading a campaign for the abolition of a law that reflects tattoos' long-marginalized(오랜 시간 하찮 은 존재로 여겨진) status in South Korea, where they were once associated almost exclusively with organized crime. While tattooing itself is not illegal, it is classed as a medical procedure and may only be carried out by a fully qualified doctor ― with the law setting a minimum two-year prison sentence for violators, although judges can impose lighter penalties.

But artists say the law has failed to keep pace, as tattoos have become more mainstream in recent years, championed by K-pop stars, athletes and others with powerful fan bases. He declines(거부하다) to say what he inked Pitt with last year, citing client confidentiality, but is known at home and abroad for his unique designs ― from a bird to croissants(초승달) to a jumping gymnast ― and intricate (복잡한) use of color. Even so, there is no sign on his studio in central Seoul.

"On your way back home after tattooing Brad Pitt, there are no words to describe how proud you feel," the 40-year-old told AFP. "But from the moment you arrive at Incheon International Airport, you worry about the tattoo tools in your bag being found.”

But despite their newfound popularity, tattoos can still carry negative connotations(함축된 의미), especially at workplaces in South Korea, with public broadcasters often blurring them out(흐지부지 하게 하다). Getting inked by non-doctors could lead to "a serious infection or allergic reactions", an official at the Korea Medical Association said. no or in case of small tattoos maybe yes?

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