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In recent years, the number of mixed marriages in Korea has increased substantially(상당히) due to a number of factors, among them the high number of Korean studying abroad and the number of men who, unable to find a Korean wife, are marrying foreign nationals. International marriages now make up more than 13% of all marriages in Korea. The bulk of 'mixed' marriages are between Korean men and foreign women, but there are also many Korean women marrying men from other countries. Reportedly, international marriages in Korea have tripled since 2003, especially those in rural areas, marrying non-Koreans.

Most of these marriages are unions between a Korean male and a foreign female. Many of these marriages are arranged through brokers where the Korean will have paid around W10 million or more for his wife or through mass weddings, the couples generally don’t know each other, don’t speak the other’s language and know little, or nothing, about the other’s culture. Consequently, the unions face serious challenges.

The women often don’t know their rights and may be abused by their husband and his family. Part of the problem faced by many is that their rights are limited in Korea. Until very recently, they could not complain about their husbands or leave an abusive situation, because they would have to leave the country, probably without their children. Because the women are usually not citizens, their names may not appear on their child/children’s family registration. They don’t have a say at their child’s school, and the child may also face problems as a result of her/his ‘mixed’ blood. Korean society places a high value on ‘pure’ Korean blood and those that don’t have it may be seen as inferior intellectually and socially.

The number of mixed marriages having mushroomed(급속히 커지다) in the last few years, the government was unprepared and protections for foreign spouses have lagged(뒤떨어지다) behind their increased presence. However, the government is attempting to address(문제에 대해 고심하다) he problems that have ensued(어떤 결과가 뒤따르다) as a result of these marriages. Protections have been enacted so enable the women to stay in the country and keep their children if they leave their husbands.

As a means of reducing future problems, the government is setting up programs for men who are thinking of marrying a foreign woman. Also, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs is offering programs to help foreign wives to adjust to Korean society.

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발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

​편집인: Billie Jeong

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