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The average person makes 35,000 decisions every day. What to eat for breakfast? What shirt to wear? Which door to go through? Where to go for lunch? A simple way to save brain power is to cut down on the number of decisions you need to make. Some of the most successful people have already figured this out. They simply wear the same thing each and every day.

1. You'll waste less time. Having a regular uniform makes it quick and easy to get dressed. Rather than deliberating for five or

even ten minutes, I can grab my outfit, throw it on, and get started on the more important things on my to-do list. A go-to outfit also saves loads of time shopping. You know what you're looking for and can get right to your favorite store. Or better yet, if you know your size, style, and color, you can order everything online -- without the annoyance of sending back returns.

2. You'll save brainpower. As Obama said in an interview with Vanity Fair, "You need to focus your decision-making energy. You need to routinize yourself. You can't be going through the day distracted (주의를 딴 데로 돌리다) by trivia(사소한 문제).”When you wear the same thing, you're one step closer to avoiding the distraction of trivia. It takes no thought to get dressed in the morning. You can channel (돈감정생각 등 을) (~에) 쏟다 all that decision-making power directly into growing your business.

3. You'll always feel good in what you're wearing. If you choose your clothes for comfort, they'll always feel good. If you choose them for style, you'll

always think they look good on you (even if others disagree). Either way, you'll feel good about what you're wearing. It's an automatic confidence boost. I constantly get made fun of by my friends and family for wearing the same thing, but it works. See if it could work for you.

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