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Some people turn to(~에 의지하다) psychics(심령연구;심리 학) or crystal balls to learn their future, but many Koreans believe that all they need to see what lies in store(닥쳐올) is a mirror. Fortune-telling has a longstanding history in Asia dating back thousands of years, yet it is not necessarily perceived as a pastime practice or mere(~에 불과한) hocus(사기) folklore(민속 문화).

Many methods of fortune-telling such as tarot card and palm(손바닥) reading are still a common practice in Korea ― not only among the elderly, but among young people as well. However, aside from cards and palms, phrenological* interpretation or fortune by face reading is a practice that not only determines one’s personality traits purely based on analyzing facial features: The complexities of one’s face are said to be able to determine one’s future.

Everyone’s face is unique. It is thought by some fortune-tellers that different aspects of the face cover different areas of the personality, and that race, culture and ethnicity(민족성) are irrelevant in terms of the methods and the techniques of determining one’s fate. There are no set guidelines or rules that clarify a certain-sized nose, a particular face shape, hairline or any facial features that are considered the most “ideal” or said to bring the greatest fortune to a person. But rather it is on an individual and case-by-case basis that is determined by the proportions(비율) and symmetry(대칭) of one’s face that create a balance. “I can often just look at a person’s expression, feel their energy, and gain the majority of information about them,” said the fortune teller. “The face is the ‘cave of the spirit’ and we can see what kind of life someone has lived just by looking at a person’s face.”

*Phrenology - 골상학) 골상학은 두개골의 형상으로 인간의 성격과 심리적 특성 및 운명 등을 추정하는 학문 * Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar


🔥 스터디시밑줄친표현및단어를반드시사용하여영작을하시고v표시를해주셔야사랑합니다.[☑□□->☑☑☑ ] ⭐ turn to: □□□ / psychics: □□□ / in store: □□□ / mere: □□□ / hocus: □□□ / palm: □□□/

ethnicity: □□□/ proportion: □□□/ symmetry: □□□


  1. Do you believe in Tarot or Saju (*literally the four components within the moment of birth are year, month, day, and hour) or physiognomy(*a person's facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin)? Why or why not?

  2. Do you know anyone who has been to see a fortuneteller? Who? What did the fortuneteller say? Was the prediction accurate or not?

  3. If you could ask a fortuneteller three questions, what would they be?

  4. Are you the type of person who is a fate pioneer or the person who believes that fate is

predestined? Why do you think so?

  1. There are people who change their names or get plastic surgery to change their lives. If fate

could be changed for sure, how far do you think you could change?

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