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Researchers have discovered that swearing and using bad or profane(신성모독적인, 불경한) language can increase one's physical strength. The researchers are from Keele University in England. They conducted tests on 81 people to see the effect swearing had on their physical performance. In one test, participants did a short, intense workout on an exercise bike. Some people were asked to swear as much as they could before they started their workout, while others were told to be quiet. In another test, participants were told to grip(꽉 붙잡다) the bike's handlebars as tightly as they could. The researchers found that the groups who swore a lot, cycled or gripped three to four per cent more powerfully than the tight-lipped(입을 꾹 다문, 말은 안 하는) group. Past research also shows that swearing helps to increase our tolerance(참을성) to pain. A 2009 study discovered that swearing led to an increased heart rate and higher levels of adrenaline - these help to numb(감각이 없게 만들다) pain. This perhaps explains why so many of us swear when we hurt ourselves. Another study found that swearing was a sign of honesty because people who swear frequently are believed to be better at self-expression. Dr. Richard Stephens, lead researcher of the Keele study, said he was at a loss to explain why swearing affects the body. He said: "Quite why it is that swearing has these effects on strength and pain tolerance remains to be discovered. We have yet to understand the power of swearing fully.”

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종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

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