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A Kazakh man who risked his life to save 10 people from a burning building faced (마주하다) deportation (국외 추방) after his illegal status came to light (알려지다). The man, identified (확인되 다) only by his given name Ali, smelled something burning when he arrived at his one-bedroom apartment in a town in Yangyang County, Gangwon Province, about 11:20 p.m. on Mar. 23. After realizing the building was on fire, he immediately opened the windows on the second and third floors to let the smoke out. He then screamed "fire, fire!" to wake up everyone in the complex (복합 건물). After being told that one woman was still in her room on the

second floor, Ali climbed gas pipes to get in and ran through flames to rescue her. In doing so, he suffered burns to his neck, back and hands. But unfortunately the woman died after inhaling (들이마시다) too much toxic smoke. Worried about his illegal status, Ali left the scene as soon as firefighters arrived. After learning what happened to him, his neighbors eventually took him to a hospital where they helped him receive treatment. On April 16, Ali reported himself to the Korea Immigration Service as an undocumented (허가증이 없는) worker. Following his admission (시인), he now has to leave Korea by May 1.

Moved by his story, more than 10,000 people have signed a petition urging the government not to deport the man. "If the government did so to such a person, it would be an international embarrassment.” a petitioner said on the Cheong Wa Dae website.The government will now grant (허가하다) a G-1 visa for the heroic Kazakh man who risked his life to rescue people. The Korea Immigration Service is completing the paperwork to give the visa that will allow him to continue to receive treatment at a hospital in Seoul. The immigration office also said it would consider granting Ali permanent residency (거주). On the Cheong Wa Dae website, a petition calling for the government to offer the permanent right to stay here has gathered more than 22,000 signatures.

* Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with. ⭐ Face:□□□/Deportation:□□□/CometoLight:□□□/Inhale:□□□/Residency:□□□/


  1. What are your opinions towards foreign workers in Korea? Does it make a difference if they are documented or undocumented?

  2. In the United States, there are over 200,000 undocumented immigrants from South Korea. Could you see a situation where you would live in another country without documentation?

  3. DoyouthinkgivingAliavisaistherightwaytorewardhimforhisact?

  4. If you were in the same situation as him, what would you have done?

  5. What's the most selfless act you have done?

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발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

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