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There’s nothing quite like that agonizing(고통스러운) waiting period after you’ve sent a nerve-wracking text to the person you like. Maybe you put your phone away and avoid checking it for an hour or so. Or maybe you sit there staring at the message, waiting for those gray text bubbles to indicate they’re typing a response. If you get left on read(읽씹당 하다), it’s all too easy to let your brain spiral into worst-case scenarios. Is your crush ignoring you? Is this their way of ghosting(잠수를 타다)? Should you follow up with another text?

Should you block them on instagram and pretend this whole thing never happened? SOS. Getting left on read can be confusing and stressful, especially when the person you’ve

messaged is someone you’re hoping to date. But before you panic, remember that read receipts don’t necessarily indicate this person is ignoring you. “We live in a world of endless distractions all competing for our attention,” relationship expert Dr. Darcy Sterling tells Elite Daily. “Getting a read receipt does not mean someone actually read your text.” Think of how many times you’ve opened a text while commuting to work, only to forget about it during a busy moment. You might come back to it later, or it may slip your mind(깜빡 잊어버리다) entirely. Either way, you didn’t intend to neglect this person, and you’ll respond to them (apologetically(미안한 태도로)) as soon as you remember.

In all likelihood(아마도), they just forgot to respond, and you’ll hear back from them after you send a second text. But if this follow-up text gets left on read for longer than a day or two, it’s probably time to move on. “There’s nothing worse than badgering(독촉하다) someone to find out why they suddenly decided to ignore you,” Spira says. “They may be ghosting you or considering other options. Either way, it’s bad for your self-esteem, so I recommend that you start flirting with someone new who isn’t playing texting games.” T 010-5615-3608 E W


* Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with.

⭐ agonizing: □□□ / get left on read: □□□ / ghosting: □□□ / slip your mind: □□□ ⭐ apologetically: □□□ / In all likelihood: □□□ / badgering: □□□


  1. Have you ever got left on read by someone? How do you feel when someone leaves you on read? And who was the person?

  2. Which one do you think is better - ‘leaving messages unread vs leaving on read?’ What is the reason?

  3. If you can select a phone that doesn’t have any functions showing whether people read your message or not, would you use it or not? Why?

  4. What is the longest period you can wait for the reply, when you sent a message but someone isn’t texting you back?

  5. Do you have any methods to keep yourself free from those ‘read/unread’ stress? (ex. setting the alarm mute..)

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종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

​편집인: Billie Jeong

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

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