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Ending your day with a hot bath might have more benefits relaxation. It could also lower your risk of heart disease and stroke(뇌졸중), a new study finds.

Previous research on bathing has already shown that it's beneficial for sleep quality and how healthy a person thinks they are. A new study, published Tuesday in the journal Heart, found that a daily hot bath is also associated with a 28% lower risk of heart disease, and a 26% lower risk of stroke -- likely because taking a bath is also associated with

lowering your blood pressure, the researchers said. They discovered this after tracking the bathing habits and cardiovascular(심혈관의) disease risk of more than 61,000 Japanese adults for 20 years. "We found that frequent tub bathing was significantly associated with a lower risk of hypertension(고혈압), suggesting that a beneficial effect of tub bathing on risk of cardiovascular disease may be in part due to a reduced risk of developing hypertension," the researchers said in

a press release. Tub bathing is considered to have a preventative(예방적) effect against heart disease by

improving what's called “hemodynamic(혈역학) function," the report said. Good hemodynamic function would mean that the heart is able to efficiently pump blood without having to fight against

conditions such as high blood pressure. "Good hemodynamic function translates to a low blood pressure or normal blood pressure states, where the heart is able to pump efficiently and get blood to all the organs," Brandt said. "It seems like tub bathing is similar to exercise in that it increases the heart's work, but it does so by relaxing the blood vessels and getting blood pumping to other parts of the body. So it creates this extra temporary work for the heart, but not one that's a negative consequence.”

* Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with.

⭐ stroke: □□□ / cardiovascular: □□□ / hypertension: □□□ / preventative: □□□ ⭐ hemodynamic: □□□


  1. Are you a bath person or a shower person? Why?

  2. When do you usually take a shower? In the morning, or at night? What is the reason?

  3. How much is a person’s scent important to you? If a person is your type, but has a bad

smell, are you available to keep a relationship with him/her?

  1. What kind of bath products do you use, and why?(shampoo, cologne, soap..etc)

  2. What was your first fragrance that you bought for yourself?

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등록번호 :  건대, 아54172

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발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

​편집인: Billie Jeong

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