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Amid {(공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데에} the spread of COVID-19 and the social distancing campaign in Korea, many people are choosing to stay at and work from home. With more time at home, some try new things and create their own food recipes. Dalgona coffee, or Korean sugar candy latte, is one of the newest, popular hot beverage

concoctions. (음료 혼합물)

A social distancing campaign, suggested by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, is aimed at preventing the spread of the new coronavirus by encouraging citizens to stay at home and shun (피하다) public gatherings to reduce the chances for them catching the virus. It also suggests keeping in touch by using social media instead of meeting people personally. As the outbreak {(질병 등의) 발발, 발생} continues, young Koreans are turning to social media platforms to ease their anxiety and to find something to do.

Dalgona coffee is made by blending instant coffee, sugar and hot water ― and most importantly, stirring them all together at least 400 times to make cream. Making dalgona coffee takes a lot of time and effort, but that is also its major appeal. (매력) Experts say that making simple and fun hobbies at home and sharing them online is a healthy phenomenon. (현상)

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종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

​편집인: Billie Jeong

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

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