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Today’s globalised world not only offers us a myriad (무 수함)of options- from fashion to career, it instills in (-에게 심어주다)us a need to procure (구하다)what is best – nothing less than that. Added to this potent mix are cut throat competition and need for achievement. The result? Compulsive indecisiveness.It is important to seek help if one’s decision making is severely impaired or has an adverse impact on one’s life.

Despite being a wide spread phenomena, there is very little research on indecisiveness. Simply put, indecisiveness is the inability to make decisions. According

to Germeijs and DeBoeck (2002), there are eleven distinct descriptors of indecisiveness which include taking a long time to decide, perception of the decision as ‘difficult’, not knowing how to decide, uncertainty while making decisions, delaying decisions, avoiding decisions, leaving decisions to others, changing decisions, worrying about decisions made, regretting decisions made and simply calling oneself indecisive.

One common reason for indecisiveness is the need for certainty – the need for being one hundred percent sure of the correctness or accuracy of the decision. While this desire for certainty is laudable (칭 찬할 만한)in various situations, it has the potential for becoming an irrational obsession which triggers excessive worrying. One can also trace the root of indecisiveness to lack of self-trust and self- confidence. Lacking the confidence for making the right decision poses as a deterrent(제지하는 것) to decision making, and more often than not, leads to no decision being made at all. Avoidance tactics like procrastination(미루는 버릇) are frequently employed by indecisive people. Sometimes making smaller, less important decisions can equip one with the necessary confidence to tackle larger, more important decisions. It is important to slowly progress to decisions requiring greater risks.

🔥 스터디시밑줄친표현및단어를반드시사용하여영작을하시고v표시를해주셔야사랑합니다.[☑ □□-> ☑ ☑ ☑ ] ⭐ compulsive: □□□ / indecisiveness: □□□ / myriad: □□□ / instill in: □□□ ⭐ procure: □□□ / laudable: □□□ / deterrent: □□□ / procrastination: □□□ • Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with.


  1. What are difficult things to to choose between?

  2. In what situation, do you think you are the most indecisive?

  3. Do you think you are indecisive person? Why?

  4. If your best friends or family are indecisive, what advice would you give to them?

  5. Choose one! Spicy buckwheat noodles or cold buckwheat noodles (물냉면 or 비빔냉면),

Pour the sauce or dip the sauce (부먹 or 찍먹). Black bean noodles or Spicy seafood noodles (자장 면 or 짬뽕) Was it easy to choose?, and discuss other examples like those with your teammates.

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등록번호 :  건대, 아54172

제      호 : 컬컴 건대

종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 광진구 동일로20길 63

발행인: Billie Jeong

​편집인: Billie Jeong

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

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