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"You're killing me" A 20-something 男 who threatened her by putting her dog in a trash bag

Police launched an investigation after a man in his 20s who was notified of the breakup was reported to have threatened to kill his separated lover's dog by putting it in a garbage bag.

According to the police on the 5th, 112 reports were received that a dog was abandoned on the road in Gurae-dong, Gimpo-si, in the afternoon of the 2nd. The reporter A claimed that he/she received a threat from B to kill his/her dog after notifying his/her lover B of the breakup.

It was confirmed that B sent a message saying, "I'm dying because of you," along with a picture of A's dog in his house in a pay-as-you-go bag.

A contacted B and asked him about his dog's life and death several times, but he could not hear a proper answer.

According to the police's confirmation of the closed-circuit (CC) TV, B abandoned the pay-as-you-go bag on the side of the road in Gurae-dong, Gimpo-si at 8 p.m. on the same day, and returned 10 minutes later and disappeared with the bag.

The police plan to further analyze CCTV footage and investigate the exact circumstances of the incident against B.

A police official said, "We have received a report on a threat case between lovers and are investigating it," adding, "We will investigate whether there is a violation of the Animal Protection Act or dating violence."

Date: 2024-03-05

Reporter: 서화목



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