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"You only got into ○○ University"...Police Students, What They Say to Transfer Students

A police university student was found to have been disciplined for using abusive language against a transfer student.

According to the data submitted by Yong Hye-in, a member of the Basic Income Party, at the National Police Agency on the 16th, the police force imposed five and three weeks of disciplinary action on two fourth-grade students who verbally abused them on March 20 in the name of educating their juniors, respectively

They swore at third graders who transferred this year several times and made discriminatory remarks, saying, "Why does a person who only entered ○○ University attend the police force?"

A fourth-grader called the transfer students abusive and said, "I really don't like it. Why don't you say hello properly? Do your school life properly."

The police university said, "It is difficult to officially confirm the facts because we are trying to find out the facts."

The police university, which opened in 1981, was transferred to the university for the first time in 42 years. The university aims to open its doors to recruit talented people with diverse experiences. A total of 50 students were transferred to the university. They entered the university through regular students and incumbent police officers and transferred to the university as a third grader.

Lawmaker Yong pointed out, "The conflict within the (police) organization due to the biased personnel of the police force is leading to school violence in police educational institutions," adding, "It is necessary to review the situation of the school violence and discuss ways to cultivate reasonable executives."

Date: 2023-05-16

Reporter: 서화목



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