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Three people in attendance were sent without detention for drug deaths in Gangnam entertainment establishments

In connection with the death of a customer and a waitress who died after drinking drugs at an entertainment bar in Gangnam, Seoul last year, three people who were present at the time were sent without detention.

According to Yonhap News on the 28th, the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul said it sent three people who were present at the drinking party without detention on charges of aiding and abetting injury in connection with the death of a customer and a waitress who mixed methamphetamine with alcohol at an entertainment bar last year.

They are accused of causing a waitress in her 30s to drink the alcohol in July last year, even though she knew that A, a customer in his 20s who had a drink with him at an entertainment bar in Gangnam, died.

One of the men in attendance was confirmed to have purchased methamphetamine with A, adding to the suspicion of violating the Narcotics Control Act. One female passenger tested positive for ecstasy, adding to the suspicion of violating the Narcotics Control Act.

They did not administer methamphetamine according to drug tests. At the time of last year's incident, the waitress died after drinking alcohol containing drugs at an entertainment bar.

A man who drank with her was found unconscious at a park near a bar, and was taken to a hospital but died. In his vehicle, methamphetamine, which can be administered to 2,100 people at a time, was found.

The police have been investigating the details of the two men's deaths and the sources of drugs. According to the investigation, A had a waitress drink a methamphetamine-mixed alcohol, and he also died from the same alcohol.

The police concluded that A was found guilty of purchasing and using methamphetamine (violation of the Narcotics Control Act) and of injury resulting in death. However, A was already dead and was rejected as having no right to prosecute.

Date: 2023-02-28

Reporter: 서화목


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