Those in their 20s who mixed "drug" with the sauce and fed it to their friends

A man in his 20s who secretly fed his friends by mixing drugs he bought on the Internet with seasoning sauce was sentenced to probation. On the 7th, the Gwangju District Court's Criminal Division 11 (Judge Park Hyun-soo) announced that A (27), who was put on trial for violating the Narcotics Control Act, was sentenced to two years in prison and three years of probation. In addition, he ordered a fine of 400,000 won and 40 hours of medication lectures. A is accused of secretly purchasing and inhaling drugs on the Internet, and deceiving his acquaintance as if it were a sauce for seasoning.
In October 2021, Mr. A purchased drugs through the so-called "throwing method" from a vendor he learned by searching for drugs on an online portal. He hid 400,000 won in cash on the floor of an outdoor unit of an air conditioner at a church in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, and took drugs under the outdoor unit of a nearby studio air conditioner.
At that time, a plastic container containing drugs and a container containing Sriracha sauce were placed under the outdoor unit. The sauce was also mixed with drugs.
A took this drug several times between May and June last year. It was also revealed that he handed Sriracha sauce mixed with drugs to three acquaintances who came home around June 12 and sprinkled it on snacks. "Drug crimes not only devastate individuals' bodies and minds due to hallucinations and addiction, but also harm public health and have a negative impact on society as a whole," the court said. "The defendant is guilty in light of the circumstances of the crime, such as secretly taking drugs from acquaintances and smoking himself." "However, the sentence was decided in consideration of the fact that he was a first-time offender without a criminal history, the fact that he/she turned himself/herself in at an investigative agency, and that the victims were pleading for leniency by paying settlement money to the victims," he/she ruled
Date: 2023-02-07
Reporter: 서화목