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Teenagers Assaulting Incheon Motel in 'Fly Kick'

The identity of teenagers who assaulted a man in his 40s at a motel in Incheon is spreading online. On the 27th, the names, ages, schools, and SNS links of seven teenagers are spreading on many online platforms and SNSs, including YouTube and TikTok, calling them "the perpetrators of the Incheon Motel assault." Human rights groups and others saw such theft of the suspect as a possible violation of human rights. In addition, the National Police Agency's Human Rights Commission recommends minimizing the disclosure of personal information to prevent secondary harm to suspects and their families. Regardless of whether the perpetrator is or not, if personal information is used without his or her consent, he or she can be punished for defamation in accordance with the relevant laws. Earlier on the 26th, the Michuhol Police Station in Incheon explained, "We sent two people, including A, suspected of robbery and injury, and sent the remaining three teenagers without detention." It is known that three juvenile offenders who are not subject to criminal punishment were sent to the juvenile court of the court. Most of the perpetrators are students attending middle schools in Incheon, and one of them was found to be elementary school students. They were booked on charges of wielding a blunt weapon against a man in his 40s and taking money and valuables at a motel in Michuhol-gu, Incheon, at around 10:40 a.m. on the 17th. The police will also investigate additional charges of filming the assault of kicking the victim on the stairs and distributing it on social media.

Date: 2023-01-24

Reporter: 서화목 ​


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