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Stone Bridge Ventures, new lows recorded during the day. 6,470→6,130(▼340)

As of 2:53 p.m., Stone Bridge Ventures (330730) fell 5.84% to 6,130 won (▼380), breaking its 52-week new low by -340 won. The previous 52-week low was 6,470 won, which was recorded on February 25, 2022. The tightening strength reversed to 44%. The total purchase amount was 183,740 shares and the total sale amount was 414,625 shares, respectively. ( 체결 Tightening strength (%) = (Total buying tightening/Total selling tightening) *100)

As of this time, the transaction amount was 3.848.13 billion and the transaction volume was 615978 shares, and in terms of supply and demand, it had a selling advantage of 69 (selling): 31 (buying).

Based on the trading day, the average trading volume over the past three days is 4.992 million shares and the average trading volume over 60 days is 4.992 million shares, maintaining a similar level of trading.

Date: 2022-02-15

Reporter: 서화목



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