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"Someone is wobbly and can't keep themselves" report...男 in his 20s arrested for driving under the influence of drugs

I admit to taking drugs, but...Hair, refuse to urinate

The Gangdong Police Station in Seoul arrested a man in his 20s on charges of driving under the influence of drugs on the 1st.

According to multiple media reports, A is accused of taking drugs at his home in Gyeonggi-do on the 29th of last month and driving a vehicle drunk at 1 p.m. the next day to visit a restaurant in Cheonho-dong, Gangdong-gu (violation of the Narcotics Control Act, etc.).

The police arrested him urgently and applied for an arrest warrant on the previous day. Hong Ki-chan, a senior judge at the Seoul Eastern District Court, issued an arrest warrant on the day, saying, "There is a risk of destroying evidence and running away."

The police were dispatched to arrest A next to A's vehicle after receiving a report that "there is a person who can't shake and keep himself/herself."

The police found a disposable syringe and suspected methamphetamine in the driver's seat of A's vehicle and seized it.

A admitted to taking drugs in a police investigation, but refused to test hair and urine.

Date: 2023-08-01

Reporter: 서화목



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