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[September 19th (Tue), Seoul] A vertically green space at Jongno 5-ga Station

[September 19th (Tue), Seoul] The final design plan for Urban Platanus (Jongro-gu) and Creative Ground (Mapo-gu) will be added to Jongno 5-ga Station

Check department stores, large discount stores, etc. by the 6th of next month...Fines up to 3 million won

1,471 infants and toddlers were tested to prevent delays in brain development

1. Seoul Metropolitan Government to Contest for Planning and Design of Urban, Architectural Creativity and Innovative Design Pilot Project

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on the 19th that it has selected two additional plans for the final planning design plan for the "City/Architectural Creativity/Innovative Design Pilot Project."

The additional plan selected by the Urban Design Innovation Committee held on the 12th is ▲ Urban Platanus (Hyose-dong, Jongno-gu) ▲ Creative Ground (Mapo-gu Mangwon-dong).

Urban Platanus is connected to an underground passageway at Jongno 5-ga Station on Subway Line 1, and built a city square on the first floor. In addition, a vertically green space that looks like an extension of street trees is placed over the site. Creative Ground is a rental dormitory building and has been well received in public contributions including public observatories.

The selected plan can receive incentives such as floor area ratio and height in the process of realizing the project in the future. If necessary, the city plans to review and adjust the consistency and appropriateness of the plan and the urban management plan.

2. Seoul Metropolitan Government Cracks Down on Overpackaging, Boundary Repackaging of Chuseok Products

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on the 19th that it will crack down on excessive packaging and repackaging, focusing on retail stores such as department stores and large discount stores, for Chuseok.

For three weeks from the 11th of this month to October 6, 25 autonomous districts and specialized institutions in Seoul will form a joint inspection team. On the 19th, 20th, and 22nd, just before the Chuseok holiday, the city, autonomous district, and the Korea Environment Corporation will conduct a joint inspection of three places, Geumcheon-gu, Jung-gu, and Gangbuk.

If the packaging space ratio (less than 10~35% by item) and the number of packaging (within 1~2 by item) exceed the standard and are confirmed as excessive packaging, fines of 1 million won for the first time, 2 million won for the second time and 3 million won for the third time will be imposed. A maximum fine of 3 million won will also be imposed on repackaging products using synthetic resin films and sheets during the product sales process.

3. Seoul Metropolitan Government to conduct delayed infant development tests after COVID-19 38% "caution and risk groups"

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on the 18th that it tested 1,471 infants and toddlers to prevent delays in brain development due to COVID-19, and found that 38% were classified as caution and risk groups.

According to a test conducted by the Seoul Child Development Support Center under the city on children attending daycare centers or raising families, 67, or 8%, of 828 children in "risk groups" who needed help.

In particular, 245 "caution groups" that need to be observed were counted as 30%, with 38% of children at risk or classified as "caution groups" regarding brain development delays, and the remaining 62% or 516 were classified as "normal groups."

Date: 2023-09-19

Reporter: 서화목



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