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Seoul provides funeral support for 'unrelated children' who died of abuse

The basis for the Seoul Metropolitan Government to support the funeral of an unrelated child who died of abuse will be prepared.

Rep. Hwang Yoo-jung of the Seoul Metropolitan Council (People's Power and Proportionality) announced on the 25th that the "Seoul Metropolitan Government's Ordinance on the Partial Amendment of Public Funeral Ordinance" has passed the review of the Standing Committee (Health and Welfare Committee).

The revised bill contains Seoul's support for the funeral of a child who died of child abuse if he or she is unable to perform the funeral due to arrest or disconnection of family relations.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, about 40 children died of child abuse every year between 2019 and 2021, and most of the perpetrators are parents.

Previously, even if the perpetrator's parents were arrested, they were still parental authority, so children who died of abuse could not receive public funeral support for non-related persons in Seoul.

Hwang said, "It is significant in that we have laid the groundwork for a dignified funeral with the regret of Seoul citizens," adding, "We need a memorial service that raises awareness about child abuse and remembers the last of our children."

In addition to abused children, the amendment expanded the scope and scope of Seoul's public funeral support for unrelated deaths.

Funerals for the dead who refused and avoided taking over the bodies were also held by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and the publication of obituary for the dead without ties and the opening of enshrinement facilities for the dead without ties were stipulated.

The amendment will be submitted to the 318th extraordinary plenary session on the 3rd of next month and processed.

Date: 2023-04-25

Reporter: 서화목



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