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Seoul Metropolitan Government to Provide Subsidies for the Purchase of 1,000 Electric Two-Wheeled Vehicles…Apply from the 2nd

The Seoul Metropolitan Government said on Monday that it will provide purchase subsidies for 1,000 private vehicles out of 1,052 electric motorcycles this year. Applications for subsidies for the first half of this year will be made on the Environment Ministry's integrated website for pollution-free vehicles ( ) from July 2. Subsidies will be set differently depending on size, type, and performance (fuel ratio, battery capacity, and capacity).

Individuals, private businesses, corporations, and public institutions that have lived in Seoul for more than 30 days or have registered as an office as of the date of receipt are eligible for application. Each person can purchase 1 unit per year, 5 units for intervention businesses, and 100 units for corporations. If you purchase more than 5 units, you must submit a business plan and a commitment. The two-wheeled electric vehicles that can be applied are 5 types of general type (light type), 50 types of general type (small type), 1 type of general type (medium type), and 9 types of other types.

This year, 300 electric two-wheeled vehicles for delivery were allocated separately by increasing the ratio of delivery supply from 25% to 30% of the total number of supply vehicles compared to the previous year. If you purchase for delivery, you will receive an additional 10% purchase subsidy, including state funds and municipal expenses. For example, if you purchase a small regular model for delivery, the subsidy paid will increase from up to 2.3 million won to 2.53 million won.

In addition, it is also recognized that in order to purchase electric two-wheeled vehicles for delivery, they had to purchase paid transportation insurance (maintained for more than six months) or non-commercial transportation insurance (maintained for more than three months), but from this year, they have subscribed to part-time paid transportation insurance that has been maintained for more than six months. The city expected that the part-time paid transportation insurance will help induce delivery workers to purchase electric two-wheeled vehicles as it can reduce the burden of insurance premiums of about 1 million won per year compared to the paid transportation insurance.

In addition, 10% of the supply volume will be allocated separately to the priority list, and an additional 20% will be provided to small business owners, vulnerable groups (the disabled, the next lowest-ranking group), and farmers from the state budget. After the announcement of subsidies for the purchase of electric two-wheeled vehicles by the Seoul Metropolitan Government this year, the government plans to pay up to 300,000 won in additional state funds even if they purchase electric two-wheeled vehicles after scrapping and abolishing internal combustion vehicles.

Date: 2024-04-02

Reporter: 서화목



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