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Seoul Metropolitan Government Caught 200 Wild Dogs in Gwanaksan Mountain and Bukhansan Mountain

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on the 13th that it will focus on capturing wild dogs, which are stray dogs, mainly in the city's major mountainous areas, such as Gwanaksan Mountain and Bukhansan Mountain, and surrounding trails and residential areas, from the 15th to the 31st of next month, ahead of the spring when citizens' outdoor activities increase.

It is estimated that there are about 200 wild dogs living in Gwanaksan and Bukhansan Mountain. They travel in groups, disrupt the ecosystem, such as harming other species of animals, and appear in residential areas, causing problems that threaten citizens.

In this capture activity, 120 capture frames with signs for wild dogs and contact information are installed and anesthetized. In particular, anesthesia capture will be strengthened to increase the safety and efficiency of adult dogs.

For the safety of both humans and animals, a capture team consisting of veterinarians and anesthesia capture experts and a two-person search team are operated.

The city requested citizens to refrain from accessing the capture frame as much as possible, and to contact the contact information listed if they find a captured wild dog and cooperate so that it can be protected quickly. In addition, wild dogs are wary of people due to their wild nature, so they rarely approach first, but they can attack if they feel threatened, so it is not good to approach them to feed them or rescue them.

Captured dogs are considered abandoned animals and are protected at animal protection centers designated by autonomous districts, and after the announcement of abandoned animals is completed, they will cooperate with animal protection groups to find adoptees after socialization training.

Date: 2024-02-13

Reporter: 서화목



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