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Police urgently arrest Lee Jae-myung's attacker helper..."I decided to send it instead of 'Excuse' containing the motive of the crime."

A man in his 60s, who is suspected of helping Kim (67), the suspect who attacked Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, was urgently arrested.

The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency's investigation headquarters announced on the 8th that it is investigating whether A, a man in his 60s, is an accomplice by securing a recruit in Chungnam on the 7th.

A was found to have decided to send a "Leaving Words" document containing the motive of the crime, which Kim referred to as an "excuse statement," by mail instead. Kim was keeping the eight-page document in his jacket's inner pocket at the time of his arrest, and was confiscated immediately after his arrest.

A is suspected of helping Kim with the crime even though he knew in advance that he would attack CEO Lee with a weapon.

The police plan to reveal whether they conspired through further investigation, saying that A and Kim's statements are mixed.

The police said they could not reveal whether A actually sent Kim's "excuse statement" or to whom because they are under investigation.

Date: 2024-01-09

Reporter: 서화목



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