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[Nov. 14 (Tue) Seoul Metropolitan Government] "Relief Mark" for bed-free accommodation

1. Seoul Metropolitan Government Marks 'Relief Marks' Online on Reservation Platform for Non-Buddy Accommodations

As public anxiety caused by the recent emergence of bedbugs grows, the Seoul Metropolitan Government will push for an online marking of consumer safety marks on accommodation facilities where bedbugs have not occurred.

The city signed an agreement with ONDA, a digital information company, on the 10th, and announced on the 14th that it will fully display bed safety accommodation facilities starting with reservation of T-map accommodation from this month. In partnership with a number of accommodation reservation platforms, ONDA will provide information on 35,000 accommodation sites across the country and 2,000 in Seoul.

Under the agreement, Oda will start marking lodging facilities in its own lodging reservation platform Onda Select, its affiliate T-Map, and The-K faculty and staff country within this month. It will gradually expand to domestic and international online travel agencies and portals.

2. Appointment of Kim Sang-han, former head of welfare policy, as the head of the planning and coordination office of the Seoul

The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on the 13th that Kim Sang-han (57), a former welfare policy chief, was appointed as the head of the planning and coordination office.

Director Kim is a graduate of the 37th Administrative Examination and is evaluated as an administrative expert in Seoul with various administrative experiences and excellent momentum.

He completed a master's degree in law at Korea University and administration at Syracuse University in the United States, and spent about 30 years in Seoul, where he worked in key positions such as budget officer, management planning officer, administrative director, and welfare policy director.

The head of the Seoul Metropolitan Government's Planning and Coordination Office is a high-ranking public official whose president has the right to appoint, and was appointed after the president's approval according to the city's proposal for appointment.

3. Oh Se-hoon reviews the welcome party at Seoul Plaza to win the LG Twins of the Seoul team

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon congratulated the LG Twins, a Seoul-based club, on winning the Korean Series this year and said he would actively consider holding a welcoming party to celebrate the victory at Seoul Plaza.

According to the city on the 14th, Mayor Oh said in a post on his Facebook account the night before, "I can't help but be very happy as Seoul mayor for the LG Twins' first Korean Series victory in 29 years."

Mayor Oh also said, "We are in working-level discussions with the Hanwha Consortium, the construction entity, LG, Doosan, and KBO, the Korean professional baseball operating organization, regarding the issue of alternative stadiums following the construction of Jamsil Dome Stadium, which is a concern of baseball fans."

Date: 2023-11-14

Reporter: 서화목


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