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Lee Sun-kyun's involvement in drug allegations...A composer in his 30s who was a broadcaster is also in my case

Already sentenced to prison for drugs...a former broadcaster-turned-composer

Securing clues with informant intelligence...Han Seohee, an aspiring singer, and an acquaintance

It has been confirmed that a former broadcaster-turned-composer is among those who are under investigation before being booked for being involved in the drug administration case of actor Lee Sun-kyun.

According to the legal community and the police on Monday, the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency's drug crime investigation team is investigating a composer in his 30s on suspicion of drug administration. Internal investigation is a procedure to check whether a person is subject to investigation before the formal investigation.

In the middle of last month, the police also secured clues related to A as well as actor Lee in the process of confirming the informant's information that "drugs are distributed at entertainment bars in Gangnam, Seoul." However, A was only mentioned by his name in the intelligence, and the charges of drug administration have not yet been revealed.

Han Seo-hee, an aspiring singer who is undergoing internal investigation on the same charges, was once close acquaintances. He made his first public appearance on an entertainment program in 2009 and became a hot topic of conversation with his appearance resembling a famous movie star.

He has already served in prison after being sentenced to prison for drug administration in 2016 and 2021. It was found that he is still undergoing an internal police investigation while being arrested again on charges of methamphetamine administration.

The police will first confirm the allegations of actor Lee, who changed his status as a suspect the previous day, and will also investigate the suspicions of the remaining five internal investigators, including A and Hwang Ha-na, the third generation of a chaebol family.

Since the beginning of this year, Lee has been accused of administering drugs such as hemp several times at the home of C (29, female), the head of an entertainment business, in Seoul.

Last week, the police arrested and arrested C, who was suspected of violating psychotropic drugs under the Narcotics Control Act, and booked a female employee in her 20s who worked at the same entertainment establishment without detention.

A police official said, "We cannot disclose the details regarding the person under internal investigation."

Date: 2023-10-24

Reporter: 서화목


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