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Jung-gu, Seoul, pays 1 million won in childbirth support for the first child

2 million won for the second birth and 10 million won for the fifth or more

Support for domestic care services for pregnant women and transportation costs of 700,000 won for pregnant women

Jung-gu, Seoul (District Mayor Kim Gil-sung) announced on the 17th that it has prepared a policy to support childbirth care and postpartum care to ease the economic burden on families with childbirth.

Starting this year, the district will provide 1 million won for the first childbirth by expanding the childbirth support fund. This is a five-fold increase compared to last year. In the case of giving birth to the second child, the subsidy has been additionally expanded to 2 million won, 3 million won for the third, 5 million won for the fourth, and 10 million won for the fifth or more.

The childbirth and child support fund will be provided to parents of newborns who have been registered as residents in Jung-gu for more than 12 months based on the date of the child's birth, and will be paid in full as a lump sum. So far in October, 441 families have benefited.

The district also provides 1 million won in cash for postpartum care expenses, reflecting the needs of families with childbirth. Families who lived in Jung-gu six months before the birth date and registered their newborn babies were supported by 305 families this year alone.

Since September, 1 million won in vouchers for postpartum care expenses in Seoul have been added, and families who have lived in Jung-gu and gave birth to children will be paid up to 2 million won for postpartum care expenses.

In addition, the district is implementing various childbirth and parenting policies such as domestic care services for pregnant women, 700,000 won for transportation expenses for pregnant women, and child care services.

Date: 2023-10-17

Reporter: 서화목


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