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In Daejeon Middle School, a student paces in the hallway with a weapon...The teachers stopped him

No one was hurt because the teachers immediately stopped him…There are a lot of students who witnessed it because it's lunchtime

Suspect "Threatened by a senior acquaintance of the school..."I feel like I'm threatening my safety. Have a protective weapon."

School suspends attendance...A school riot committee will be held to discipline students and strengthen education and patrols

At a middle school in Daejeon, a student was restrained by a teacher while walking down the hallway with a weapon during lunch time.

According to multiple media reports on the 29th, the police announced that they are investigating the first-year middle school student A on charges of possession of dangerous goods.

A is suspected of standing in the hallway of the classroom with a weapon that he had prepared in advance when he went to school at 12:30 p.m. on the 28th at a middle school in Yuseong-gu.

It was reported that no one was injured because the teachers who found it restrained them. However, many students witnessed it during lunchtime.

A was reported to have stated in a police investigation, "I felt threatened by an acquaintance of a senior at the school and carried a weapon to protect myself."

The school suspended attendance of the student so that he could not go to school. In addition, the school plans to hold a school violence committee to determine the level of disciplinary action and strengthen prevention education and patrols.

Date: 2023-08-29

Reporter: 서화목


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