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"Hundreds of them were right on the day of the incident" ...First son in school who 'murdered his mother' opened his mouth after 13 years

The son, who lived with the body for eight months after killing his mother, expressed his feelings after 13 years.

tvN's "I really wanted to say this" aired on the 17th, which said, "The murder of the mother of the first son of the war."

Kang Jun-su (pseudonym), who was a high school senior at the time of the incident, lived with his mother's body for eight months after stabbing her sleeping mother to death on November 23, 2011.

The minimum sentence for perpetual murder is seven years, but Kang has been released from prison after receiving three years in prison.

"The first thing I remember about my studies was when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, and I studied for about 11 hours on my day off," Kang said. "It was fun. Personally, I liked it. Studying was not that hard."

"I came second in my first test when I was in middle school. I told him the news with joy, but he got scolded. He said he was satisfied with being second in the whole school, and he should think about going up," he said. "I was a little frustrated, but I was happy to get first place in the next test, and I was scolded again, saying, 'There are 5,000 middle schools nationwide, but will you be satisfied with being 5,000th place?'" he recalled of that time.

"When I was as young as before, I was hit in the calf with a whip. The rod changed. When I was in fourth grade, I was hit with an aluminum paddle, and when I was in fifth and sixth grade, I was hit with a mop rod," Kang said. "When I was in middle school, I was hit with a wooden baseball bat. When my father came home, (the punishment) stopped and I waited, wondering when he would come in," he confessed of the domestic violence.

"When I was born, my mom started planning my 20-year education plan. When I heard it, I was shocked and appalled like the main character in the movie "The Truman Show."

Kang said his mother's obsession with studying became worse when his father, who was separated at the time, started living with another woman due to an affair.

Kang, who claims to have been hit by hundreds of golf clubs for nine hours overnight on the day of the incident, said, "When I saw the calendar on my desk, my heart sank. I was so scared and thought I didn't want to die."

"After killing my mother, I didn't look like a human. I never thought about moving or hiding my mother," Kang said. "At first, I didn't even close the (room) door, but as time passed by, I closed the door and lived with the lights on in the living room. I had a lot of guilt."

Date: 2024-06-18

Reporter: 서화목



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