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Hankook Tire Daejeon Plant Remedies Settlement Day 2...40 units of equipment and 103 personnel are mobilized

Fire authorities have been cleaning up the small fire at the Daejeon plant of Hankook Tire for two days.

According to Yonhap News on the 14th, the Daejeon Fire Headquarters announced that it had lifted the response phase as of 6 p.m. the previous day and was mobilizing one helicopter, 40 equipment and 103 personnel to extinguish the residual fire.

Fire authorities are using eight excavators to remove debris from buildings that have fallen and spray fire-extinguishing water.

Since the previous day, 119 reports have been made by residents of nearby apartments as footage of red flames burning on closed-circuit (CC) TV near Geumgang Bridge 1 on the Gyeongbu Expressway was caught in real time, but a Daejeon Fire official explained, "If you pick up the accumulated combustibles one by one in the process of cleaning up the residual fire, the fire may temporarily grow, but the combustion has not expanded."

The fire at the Daejeon plant of Hankook Tire in Moksang-dong, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, broke out at 10 p.m. on the 12th. The fire authorities estimate that the fire started at the extrusion machine of the vulcanization process in Plant 2, located north of the plant. The fire authorities completed the initial diagnosis at 11 a.m. on the 13th, 13 hours after the fire broke out.

The fire burned down about 87,000 square meters inside the sandwich-paneled North Plant 2. All 210,000 tire products stored in the warehouse in Plant 2 were burned down.

A total of 11 people, including 10 workers and 1 firefighter, were taken to the hospital due to smoke inhalation caused by the fire, but all were returned home as there were no major injuries.

Date: 2023-03-14

Reporter: 서화목



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