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"Don't answer the phone that you don't know" ...The residents who share "How to cope with the business commencement order."

While majors are protesting against the increase in medical schools and announcing their collective resignation, medical doctors are reportedly sharing the government's "commencement order" through social networking services (SNS).

According to the medical community on the 19th, online posts titled "Intern, Resident must read! Order to start work, how do I deal with it?" are spreading through SNS and others.

The post provides information on how to cope with each type of service, how to write reasons for resignation, and whether to renew contracts with hospitals when the government orders doctors to start work.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has repeatedly emphasized that when the collective resignation of medical doctors begins, it will serve a work commencement order to their contacts in accordance with Article 59 of the Medical Act and severely punish those who fail to comply with the order.

However, just because the government issued an order to commence business does not take effect immediately. Controversy may arise over whether or not the order has been served because the order takes effect only when it is served directly to doctors.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare delivered the order through the head of the hospital's training department in 2020 when residents refused medical treatment in opposition to the medical school increase.

This time, the order is delivered in three ways: text, mail, and notification of the training manager so as not to be caught up in the controversy over delivery.

However, some point out that even this is ineffective if there is no evidence that the mobile phone is turned off or the message has been checked.

The ministry said it has completed a legal review of the service.

"The government has checked all possible scenarios," Park Min-soo, the second vice minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said at a regular briefing at the Central Accident Response Headquarters for the collective action of doctors.

Date: 2024-02-20

Reporter: 서화목



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