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Arrested Foreign Students for 'Sleep Driving'

A foreign student in his 20s, who caused a traffic accident in Geumsan, Chungcheongnam-do, that hit five students, including elementary school students, by car, was arrested.

According to the police on the 27th, A is accused of driving a car in Chubu-myeon, Geumsan-gun, crossing the central line and rushing to the opposite sidewalk at around 8:15 a.m. on the 25th and hitting four elementary and middle school students on their way to school (violation of the Special Act on Traffic Accident Handling).

Earlier, the police judged that the act of violating the central line and violating the speed limit violated the duty of care, and applied for an arrest warrant for A on the grounds of concerns about escape.

In a police investigation, A stated, "I fell asleep while driving after taking cold medicine without sleeping the previous day," and the drug and alcohol tests were negative.

All five were injured in the accident, of which two elementary school students were taken to a hospital unconscious and then recovered consciousness and are being treated. Although the accident was not a child protection zone, it was about 400 meters away from the elementary school where speed bumps were installed. It is said that the damage was great because the accident vehicle did not reduce the driving speed.

Meanwhile, A is a foreign student, so he has only subscribed to liability insurance with a maximum limit of 20 million won and does not have comprehensive insurance. For this reason, additional hospital expenses have to be paid by the victims, and as it became known that the victims were living in child care facilities, hospital expenses have been sponsored by the online community.

Date: 2022-11.08

Reporter: 서화목 ​



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