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An 11-year-old granddaughter who was trying to save a grandmother who collapsed in the bathroom died... presumed to be an electric shock

The granddaughter of an elementary school student who was trying to save the grandmother who collapsed in the bathroom was electrocuted and died.

According to Pohang Nambu Police Station in North Gyeongsang Province on the 21st, a grandmother who used an electric water heater to bathe her dog in a bathroom of a house in Janggi-myeon, Nam-gu, Pohang, was in an electric shock accident at 8:34 p.m. the previous day.

When the grandmother collapsed due to an electric shock, the granddaughter A (11) approached to save the grandmother and was additionally electrocuted.

Fire authorities, who were dispatched after receiving a report, moved A, who was in cardiac arrest, to a nearby hospital, but eventually died.

Ms. A's grandmother is said to be not life-threatening.

Police are investigating the exact cause of the accident based on the discovery of burnt marks on the hand of A, who was holding an electric water heater.

Date: 2023-03-21

Reporter: 서화목



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