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40's 男 disappeared after stopping at Incheon Bridge...Found dead in 16 hours

Conscious and pulseless at the time of discovery at sea

There are no criminal charges such as murder...Investigating the case

A man in his 40s who stopped a vehicle on the Incheon Bridge and disappeared was found dead at sea in about 16 hours.

According to multiple media reports and the Incheon Maritime Police Station on the 19th, a report was received by the Coast Guard at 7:36 p.m. the previous day, saying, "There is no driver in the stopped vehicle" on the road in Songdo, Incheon Bridge.

After being contacted by the Incheon Bridge situation room, the Coast Guard found the vehicle of A in his 40s near the main tower of the Incheon Bridge. It was found that A's ID was inside the vehicle and a black box was installed.

The Coast Guard deployed patrol boats and helicopters to search the surrounding waters, and found the body of the man at 12:06 p.m. The man had already been raised dead without breathing or pulse.

The Coast Guard plans to investigate the exact circumstances of the incident based on the vehicle's black box and family statements.

An official from the Coast Guard said, "It has been confirmed that the owner of the vehicle and A are the same person," adding, "There have been no criminal charges so far."

※ If you have difficulties to talk about, such as depression, or if you have family members or acquaintances who suffer from these difficulties, you can receive 24-hour consultation from experts at the suicide prevention hotline ☎1577-0199, phone of hope ☎129, phone of life ☎1588-9191, and phone of youth ☎1388.

Date: 2023-12-19

Reporter: 서화목



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