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[서화목] New Kuwaiti monarch takes office

Sheikh Nawaf al-Jaber al-Sabah, 83, was sworn in as the new Emir of Kuwait on Thursday.

"My country is facing difficulties and dangerous challenges," Sheikh Nawaf said in his inauguration speech. "It can only be overcome by integrating and working hard together regardless of status."

On the previous day, Kuwait's cabinet announced Crown Prince Nawaf as the new monarch to succeed Sheikh Sabah al-Hmad al-Sabah, who died at the age of 91.

Sheikh Sabah's body is expected to arrive in Kuwait on Tuesday afternoon. The Kuwaiti government has set a mourning period of 40 days.

Sheikh Sabah's funeral will be simple, with only family members and relatives present, considering the novel coronavirus outbreak.

The Associated Press predicted that the new monarch, Sheikh Nawaf, will not deviate from her predecessor Sheikh Sabah's foreign policy.

Sheikh Sabah has maintained a relatively amicable relationship with Iran, a Shiite ally of Islam, based on pro-U.S. policies.



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