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[서화목] Shares of pharmaceutical company Moderna rose 3.49%

Shares of U.S. pharmaceutical company Moderna, which is developing a new coronavirus infection vaccine, rose 3.49% as of 8:28 p.m. on the 29th (local time).

Moderna's rise on this day is due to data showing that mRNA-1273, a candidate for the Covid-19 vaccine, formed the same level of neutralizing antibodies not only in the young but also in the elderly.

The research data was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The study, an extension of phase I tests for adults aged 18–55, tested two vaccines (25 micrograms and 100 micrograms) for 40 people in two groups, aged 56–70 and over 71.

Participants who received 100 micrograms of capacity showed the same immune response as young adults.

In terms of safety, no serious side effects were observed.


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