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An atheist(무신론자) is someone who doesn’t believe in religion or a god. Instead, they focus on nature, science, and seek their own answers about existence and the universe. In general, most atheists are very death positive. They see death as a natural part of life. It’s not always something that deserves any great fanfare(대대적인 축하), and there are usually no religious or spiritual beliefs around the passing of life. Because most atheists don’t believe in the idea of a “soul,” they don’t see this as playing a large role in death. At the end of one’s life, most people believe that you cease to

exist. While this might sound intimidating(겁을 주는) in a religious setting, it can also be peaceful. It’s more important to live life to the fullest while you can. Atheists believe that life passes quickly. How you put your time to use is much more important than what comes after.

Atheists are often called non-believers because they don’t believe in a god. However, a lack of a belief in God doesn’t mean these individuals don’t have their own beliefs. It’s not uncommon for atheists to have some belief in the following: Reincarnation(환생), an eternal resting place, souls staying on earth. This could mean a number of different things depending on the individual. One might believe that the “soul” goes on to a new life, while another might

think they exist indefinitely in one’s memories. There is no clear consensus(합의). Atheists are free to adopt their own belief system in terms of the afterlife.

While all atheists are free to draw their own conclusions about the afterlife, the most common belief system is a belief that there is nothing after death. Outsiders often refer to this as an “eternal nothingness,” and it’s understandable why this could scare those familiar with the Cristian afterlife. Facing the end of one’s life is intimidating. This is a new experience, and nobody knows for sure what happens once you take your last breath. It’s comforting to believe you’ll reunite with loved ones or start a new life after death. For those who believe nothing lies beyond the grave, they’re forced to confront the definite nature of mortality.

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