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VLOG is one of the most popular content on YouTube recently. Vlog is a compound(합성의) word of video and blog, which refers to video content of one's daily life. It captures 24 hours of ordinary

people, not celebrities, who go to work, eat, work, and leave work. However, there are some videos that have more than 1 million views. Why do we wonder about other people's daily lives?

1. How do other people live? Just simple curiosity. Most begin with curiosity. If you are a college student, you have questions about other people's daily lives, whether they live similar lives or different lives, such as 'How do other college students spend their days, ' 'How do students in different majors with me study? And 'What kind of lives do office workers live?'

2.Oh, you're just like me? Minor points of empathy

In fact, the video shows that their lives are neither extraordinarily colorful nor unique. I think everyone

lives the same way. But this non-speciality leads to comfort(위안) and consensus(공감대) building. There are many small points of laughter and empathy, so I wait for the video," and "healing. Since it is a story of ordinary people, not celebrities and others who live special lives, viewers are more sympathetic by recalling(기억하다,상기하다) their daily lives.

3.Where did she buy those clothes?? A new way for getting information Viewers naturally pay attention to what they use, what they wear, and what they do, and leave questions in the comments. "Where do you buy your clothes?" "How do you do your hair straightener?" "How did you get a job?" When asked, YouTubers reply or produce specific information or process in another content. "I watch daily videos of YouTubers who produce cooking content because they are interested in cooking. It's good to get a little tip on cooking in life," Vlogs have begun to be used as a new way for obtaining information because seeing and listening to the use of the product in person can get more specific information than pictures and writings.

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