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MBTI is an acronym (줄임말, 약자) of Myers – Briggs Type Indication. This method uses variety of multiple choice questions to analyze (분석하다) psychology, characteristics as well as the way people aware of the world and the way to make a decision.

Each of us have our own traits (특성) and characteristics that make our different from the others. The question is how

much you understand yourself in order to perform your

strength best? Let’s find a MBTI test to find out your answer. MBTI emphasizes the differences between people, and answer the question of why each of us have

different characteristics. MBTI test is build based on psychology, so it has a high accuracy (정확 성)and become more and more popular today. It help people have a clear understanding about themselves and people around them as well as find the most suitable job for them.

MBTI BASED ON 4 CRITERIA: Extroversion and Introversion: (외향성, 내향성) These are two opposite tendencies which illustrate the way a person react with outside world. Extroversion: direct to outward including activities, people and things. Introversion: direct to inside including thinking, conception and imagination.

Sensing and Intuition: (감각적, 직관적) This group shows the different ways to receive information from outside. Sensing of our brain pays attention to images, sounds, tasting, which are from 5 senses of human. They classify, arrange and record details of occurring events. They also provide information of the events in the past. Intuition of our brain have responsibility for researching, interpreting and creating models from the recorded information, as well as arranging those models and connecting them. It helps our brain evaluate possibilities in the future.

Thinking and Feeling: In MBTI test, this is an opposite trend of the way people make a decision and choices. Thinking: our brain analyzes information objectively, finds the basic truth or principle to be applied and then makes a logical decision. Feeling: a decision is made by weighing what people care about and the points-of-view of person involved in a situation.

Judging and Perceiving: (판단, 자각) Judging: approaching outside with advanced plan, organizing, preparation, decide and get the

results clearly. Perceiving: approaching outside naturally, finding methods to adapt with situations, accepting new challenges, and accepting to change plans. a | curt). Females with this accent are considered cute.

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발행 목적 : 최신뉴스, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 국내외의 범국민들에게 자세히 신속 정확 전달

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