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As hundreds of millions of people stay home during the global coronavirus outbreak (발생,발 발), the European Union (EU) has asked streaming services like Netflix and YouTube to stop showing videos in high definition (HD) to protect European networks.

Thierry Breton, European Commissioner {(위원회의) 위원}for the Internal Market, wrote on Twitter that he had spoken with Netflix CEO Reed Hastings about the issue, and asked streaming services to use standard definition (표준선명도의) when HD is not necessary. Breton said that networks, streaming services and users need to work together to make sure the internet can continue to be used by everyone. Netflix said that it already changes video quality to match available bandwidth (주파수의 대역폭), and on March 19 it also agreed to reduce its bit rate in Europe for 30 days, which it estimates will reduce the bandwidth use by about 25%. It said some customers might see lower picture quality as a result – most likely those with ultra high definition (4K) streaming.

Netflix has 167 million subscribers around the world, with about 47 million in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. There are more than 450 million people in the EU. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also said that Facebook is seeing "big surges" (급증,급등) in use, with calls on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger more than double usual levels.

Akamai, which by 2015 provided 15-30% of the world's internet services – including services for many of the world's biggest banks, video game and streaming companies – says internet use in 2020 has increased more than 50% compared to the same time last year. Speaking to Business Insider, Akamai CEO Tom Leighton said, "I think we'll see more acceleration (가속,가속도) due to the fact that you have so many more people working from home, and you have kids out of school and spending more time at home.” However, he said, "Our services are running normally.” Experts say that current networks should be able to support the increased demand, though users have reported some slower speeds and temporary disconnections. (단절,단선) T 010-5615-3608 E W


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