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Though social distancing has become the status quo(현재상황) amid(~가운데에) the COVID-19 crisis, people are trying to stay connected with others via various online platforms. As people are ordered or advised to stay home, the sense of isolation has led to the coining(새로운 낱말이나 어구를 만들다) of such expressions as “corona blues,” referring to constant anxiety stemming from the fear of the

highly contagious virus and depression from prolonged isolation. Looking for a way to feel connected, people are increasingly turning to online challenges that give participants a sense of camaraderie(동지애). The hashtag “#StayAtHomeChallenge” has been shared across the globe. In South Korea, it started with simple recipe challenges. For example, the “coronavirus lemon challenge,” is trending on TikTok and YouTube. Participants eat fresh lemon with their bare hands, stressing(강조하다) the importance of hand-washing and vitamin C. Each person designates(지정하다) three people to take part in the challenge or donate 190,000 won to help fight the coronavirus.

Long-term challenges with a specific goal are also gaining traction(견인력을 얻다, 유명해 지다). As most fitness centers have shut down in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus,

many have turned to exercising at home. But training at home alone can be lonely, spurring(박차를 가하다, 원동력을 주다) people to participate in collective exercise challenges. On a different note, the Suwon Museum of Art is hosting “The Drawing Draw,” to encourage people to set their imaginations free and communicate with each other.

* Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with.

⭐ status quo: □□□ / amid: □□□ / coining: □□□ / camaraderie: □□□ / stressing: □□□ ⭐ designate: □□□ / gain traction: □□□ / spur: □□□


  1. Do you have any online challenge that seemed fun, meaningful or was embarrassing to you? Please explain in detail.

  2. What do you think of the products that are advertised only on SNS? Do you normally buy them?

  3. What kind of SNS account do you have? Do you keep your account open, or do you keep them private? What is the reason?

  4. Can you keep being friends with your ex on SNS? Why or why not?

  5. Why do you think people do SNS? Can you live without SNS for a month?

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