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The Supreme Court ruled in favor of retired Jungbu Express bus drivers regarding a wage calculation dispute (논쟁), Wednesday, saying overtime pay should be calculated using actual working hours.

A worker's overtime pay in Korea is calculated by the number of overtime hours and one's hourly rate. Employers are required to pay workers an additional 50% over their ordinary hourly wage under the country's Labor Standards Act. One's hourly rate is determined by dividing one's monthly wage by the total number of working hours that month.

Previous court rulings allowed companies to underrepresent (실제 정도보다 적게 표시하다) an employee's hourly rate in the overtime pay

calculation. This was done by inflating (늘리다) the employee's overtime hours by 50 percent ―synonymous (아주 밀접한) with the pay raise for overtime hours. This artificially (인위적으로) increased the total number of working hours th etermine the worker's overtime pay.

On Wednesday, however, the court overturned (판결 등을 뒤집다) previous rulings (판결) and said the overtime pay calculation should use the employee's actual number of working hours. The ruling will not affect companies with a constant (끊임없는, 지속되는) 9 to 5 schedule but it will affect hospitals, transport companies and other industries that regularly require overtime work from employees. "The ruling will have an impact on workers with fixed overtime schedules," Sim Hui-cheon, a public labor attorney working at Kookmin Bank labor union, told The Korea Times. "All this time, companies have been under-calculating the overtime pay by inflating the employees' number of working hours in their calculation."

🔥 스터디시밑줄친표현및단어를반드시사용하여영작을하시고v표시를해주셔야사랑합니다.[☑□□->☑☑☑ ] ⭐ dispute: □□□ / underrepresent: □□□ / inflate: □□□ / synonymous: □□□ / artificially: □□□

⭐ overturned: □□□ / rulings: □□□ / constant: □□□ • Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with.


  1. What do you think about the minimum wage of Korea? Do you think it is enough?

  2. What are your standards on choosing a job / part time job? Please share.

  3. Have you ever had a trouble about money at work, or among personal relationships?

  4. Working overtime everyday and getting twice of your salary vs off from work 1 hour early

everyday and getting 2/3 of your salary. What would you choose and why?

  1. How many hours do you think is enough to work in a week?

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