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Vietnam Prepares to Expand COVID-19 Vaccine to Age 3 years old

Vietnam is expected to expand the scope of COVID-19 vaccinations to 3 years of age.

According to VN Express, a local media outlet, on the 21st, Vietnamese Prime Minister Palm Min Jin instructed the Ministry of Health to prepare children aged 3 to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Accordingly, the Ministry of Health is grasping necessary matters related to vaccination.

The Vietnamese health authorities will soon begin vaccinations for those aged 5 to 11. To this end, it signed a 21.9 million vaccine purchase contract with Pfizer. Authorities plan to vaccinate 7 million Pfizer vaccines as soon as they come in this month.

The government's policy is that vaccinations in the age group are not compulsory and students can go to school even if they are not vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese government confirmed and announced the "2022-2023 COVID-19 quarantine plan" on the 17th. Accordingly, it was decided to complete the second vaccination of teenagers aged 12 to 17 within this month.

Additional vaccinations for all adults will also be completed during the same period.

In addition, those aged 5 to 11 decided to complete the second round of vaccinations by August this year.

In Vietnam, 67 million adults and 8.3 million teenagers aged 12 or older have been vaccinated twice out of the total population of 96 million.

Date: 2022-03-08

Reporter: 정새울



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​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

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​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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