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The U.S. made a love call to Mexico

U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinkon and Commerce Secretary Gina Lumondo announced their plans for large-scale economic cooperation in Mexico on the 12th. It also discussed ways to develop lithium deposits in northern Mexico. The U.S. also expressed its intention to strengthen incentives for production facilities of U.S. semiconductor companies in Mexico.

According to the Associated Press and other major foreign media, Blinkon and Lumondo held high-level economic talks with Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard and Tatiana Clutier in Mexico City and announced plans for economic cooperation in semiconductors and electric vehicles. The visit was made to draw Mexico's participation in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Semiconductor Support Act (CHIPS Act).

The two countries also discussed plans to make "Sonora," a region near Mexico's northern border, a key hub for lithium batteries, electric vehicles and solar energy. "The major sectors of the semiconductor supply chain are already well established in Mexico, and U.S. companies such as Intel and Skyworks are conducting research and development, design, assembly, and test manufacturing in Mexico," Blinkon said. We will give more incentives to this," he said. "Mexico has opportunities not only for semiconductor manufacturing facilities but also for testing, packaging, and assembly. I am very excited about the opportunities for job creation in both countries," he added.

Mexico is the largest trading partner of the United States. There is also a large amount of lithium, a key raw material for electric vehicle batteries. Critics point out that the U.S. is absolutely prioritizing its interests by pressuring its allies Korea to build factories in the country and excluding them from receiving subsidies for electric vehicles, but revealing active investment plans in Mexico, which has key resources.

Date: 2022-09-15

Reporter: 정새울



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