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"Staycation and exhibition in one place"...Plaza Hotel Launches 'Check-in Art Package

Plaza Hotel, run by Hanwha Hotel & Resort, announced on the 28th that it will temporarily introduce the "Check in ART Package" with the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art until May 31.

The Check-in Art Package is a product designed to satisfy both the experience of art and the desire to experience rest in luxury hotels. You can enjoy various exhibitions at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, which has been reborn as a hot place as interest in art has increased around the MZ generation.

First of all, if you choose the "Day" product, you will receive an integrated invitation ticket for the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (two people), a hotel deluxe room for one night, an eco bag for the National Museum of Contemporary Art, and a limited edition key ring for Plaza Hotel. Customers who choose the "Morning" product will be provided with additional breakfast benefits (two people) at Seven Square, a buffet restaurant organized by the hotel chef.

All package customers will be provided with benefits of using The Plaza Health Club and accumulating Marriott Bonboy points, and free art shuttle buses at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art are also available through the boarding and departure hall located at the back of the hotel.

The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art's integrated invitation ticket is available for one person per person and can be used at the Seoul Hall, Gwacheon Hall, and Deoksugung Hall. The period of use is until December 2022, and it can be used even after the package stay period of May 31.

Date: 2022-02-08

Reporter: 정새울



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