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Lotte Hotel Seoul Becomes 'Seoul's Best Hotel' for 12th consecutive year

Lotte Hotel Seoul has been selected as the best business hotel in Seoul for 12 consecutive years by a global business travel magazine.

Lotte Hotel announced on the 28th that it won the Best Business Hotel Award in Seoul at the "2021 Asia-Pacific Awards" organized by Business Traveler. Founded in 1976 in the UK, Business Traveler is a business travel magazine that awards the Asia-Pacific Awards in four categories: hotels, airlines, airports, and cities. This year, we conducted a subjective survey based on customer experience from 2019 to the present for business travel subscribers around the world.

Lotte Hotel Seoul has 1,015 rooms, including the largest royal suite in Korea, and 14 banquet halls where international conferences and business events are possible. In particular, Executive Tower provides differentiated services such as "personal check-in" service that employees carefully guide from the moment of check-in and "Le Salon," a lounge exclusively for guests.

Lotte Hotel explained, "The consecutive awards are the result of Lotte Hotel Seoul's recognition of having facilities and services optimized for business trips," adding, "We have also been evaluated for efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and customer safety."

Kim Sang-min, general manager of Lotte Hotel Seoul, said, "I'm glad that constant efforts to satisfy business travelers around the world have led to 12 consecutive awards," adding, "We will continue to be a global hotel loved by travelers around the world."

Date: 2021-10-01

Reporter: 서화목



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